Before Louisa’s always followed her intuition when it called to her, whether this was at work or at home. Sudden flashes that directed her to the next action or way forwards on things.

She also knew there must be a way of connecting with that source of wisdom more proactively. She found us and the outcomes aligned. During the course, Louisa was surprised at how easy and natural it was to firstly connect to this innate ability, at the results she got, and how much more she could use it day-to-day.


After Since attending our course 23 years ago, Louisa has more confidence in, and is able to use her intuitive skills more consciously, which she applies in every area of her life. For example, when strategizing in the workplace, or when working 1:1 with clients in her hypnotherapy and coaching practise.

The skills learnt on our course have stayed with her, and she is able to stay in connection with others in a way that develops deep and meaningful relationships.

In the workplace, her skills have enabled her to be much more adept at working with different characters, as well as being an intuitive leader that knows how to bring the best out of people and support them in achieving their goals.

The more she has used her skills, the more confident she is that its working and not something of the imagination.

Building relationships has become easier as Louisa is able to accelerate a feeling of rapport quicker than before, making her someone that people remember and feel connected to.

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