As part of the large-scale research project to inform my emerging courses, a couple of topics continue to come up. Intuition from a grounded, practical perspective and vibrational communication.
People are particularly curious about the latter.
Background: I first encountered it on a large scale when facilitating leadership training globally for a large pharmaceutical company.
Just over 30% of the delegates I taught were extremely familiar with feeling the vibrations of sound, or energy movement in their bodies, when communicating with each other and clients across the globe.
This was separate from the training I’ve delivered in my own business on this area across the last 35 years.
Context: I discovered that one of the main reasons for this was that they only used zoom or teams audio.
Meaning that they had to focus on and concentrate more on the sound. This was easier as they were not distracted by the visuals.
Behaviours: Those that were naturally curious about others, had a strong desire to help and support, and set their intention to listen and absorb without judgement first and foremost – in other words to connect human to human – were without exception those that experienced the vibrations of sound in their bodies.
Deep listening: They were unconsciously listening ‘mindfully’ – something I teach people to do on my courses. Think of it as active listening on steroids!
Because where it differs to active listening is that you don’t have to remember to paraphrase, summarise, make eye contact and all the other commands that active listening requires, which distract us from the actual process of really hearing someone.
What’s the point? When you listen with your body to the sound, with a silent mind, two things happen:
1. Your intuition kicks in, enabling a harmonization between the rational, thinking, logical aspect of your nature, and the expansive, creative, free-flowing, idea-generating side.
2. Because connection and interaction is the focal point, when combined with the behaviours and intentions above, resonance happens much faster.
This enables quicker solutions, better relationships, and more positive outcomes.
Telling metrics: For me, the vibrations are simply confirmation that all this is happening, and I strive to ride the waves and prolong them as much as I can.
Finally, I sense check whether the other person experienced the same.
In the last three months of asking this question, I have found at 64% of people said yes, and of my interviewees, 97% said yes.
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